
Course on Communication and Talkie

The members of the G.P.S.Euskadi receive instruction on Communications, focusing on the Tetra System.

Orienteering Course with Orux Maps

On Saturday July 16 we participated in an Orienteering Course with Orux Maps in Elorrio (Bizkaia).

Course on orienteering in Urbasa, Navarra.

During the week-end June 28 and 29 we took part in a course on orienteering  given by  Karlos Laita, in Urbasa, Navarra. (more…)

Orientation Training Course in Lizarrusti, Gipuzkoa

During the week-end 6 to 7 July we participated in a course on cartography and orientation taught by  Karlos Laita  in Lizarrusti, Aralar Mountainrange. (more…)

Javier Corchero
Orienteering Course

On February 10th Javier Corchero gave us a training course on orienteering. The aim of this course was to maintain knowledge acquired formerly as to cartographic systems and the use of compass and map.

Orienteering Course

During the week-end November 19th-21st we participated in the orienteering course given by Carlos García in Baraibar in the Aralar Mountain Range.