Members of the G.P.S.E. participated in the training session on French Ring and Mondioring. The instructor was Mexican Fernando Dosta of Etocan, who is an acknowledged man of attack and authority within the world of Ring. The course was organised by Ruben Berrueta and it took place in Elorrio (Bizkaia) on July 9 and 10.
activities Agremon Anniversary Area Avalanches BAG BRH Civil defence Cognitive Cognitive dog training Demonstration Dexterity Disasters Dog training Elorrio Emergencies Emergency drill Firemen First aid G.P.S.E. homologation IRO lost Mission-ready test Mondioring Mountain news Obedience Orientation Protocol Psychological attention Rescue Ring Rubble Search Search Alert Security Snow Structures Symposium Training VITORIA Volunteers Work World championshipFacebook